Kubernetes : Amazon

How to install OpenSquiggly on Amazon’s Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS).

Overview of Installing on EKS

Elastic Kubernetes Service, or EKS for short, is Amazon’s managed Kubernetes service. This chapter describes the specifics of installing OpenSquiggly on EKS, and outlines any places where EKS installation may differ from the general Kubernetes installation instructions.

Should You Choose EKS?

Amazon’s EKS, being from Amazon, is undoubtedly the most popular managed Kubernetes service on the market. If your company already uses Amazon as its main cloud provider, then of course you’re going to be drawn towards using it.

Be aware, however, that EKS is also one of the more complex and difficult to configure Kubernetes systems on the market, and so you’ll want to be prepared for some learning and some effort in the process. If you have access to a cloud engineering team that you can go to for advice and guidance within your company, then we highly suggest reaching out to those resources.

If you’re lucky enough to work for a company that is forward-thinking enough to deploy an all-company Kubernetes cluster, then you can just piggyback your OpenSquiggly install on top of the company’s existing cluster. In that case, all you need to do is a couple short configuration steps to connect your local kubectl command to the existing cluster.

If you aren’t sure you really want to use EKS, don’t have access to an internal cloud engineering team, or work for a smaller company that may not need everything that Amazon and EKS has to offer, then you might want to consider going with a simpler Kubernetes provider such as Linode or Digital Ocean, which we also have documented in this chapter.

There are so many EKS configuration options, that our videos and documents will only be able to cover the very basics, so once again, if you have advanced requirements, particularly around security concerns, please reach out to your company’s cloud engineering team if possible.

For additional information on EKS, you may find these links helpful:

There are numerous other videos and resources on YouTube and the Web which can easily be found by searching. The links above should give you a good start.

Part 1 : Installing & Configuring Prerequisites

There are many ways to create an EKS cluster, including:

  • Get your cloud engineering team to do it for you
  • Use the AWS Console (i.e., the web portal)
  • Use the aws CLI
  • Use the eksctl command utility with command line parameters
  • Use the eksctl command utility with a configuration file
  • Use an Infrastructure as Code solution such as Terraform or Pulumi

In these instructions we’ll be using eksctl with command line parameters to create a very basic cluster with default settings. This is only intended as a demo and a starting point.

  1. If you have not already done so, install the aws CLI using the instructions here.
  2. Install eksctl CLI using the instructions here.
  3. Install kubectl and helm per the instructions here.
  4. Important: The AWS username that you use to create the cluster must have a role with the AmazonEKSClusterPolicy attached. Without such a role, you will get a permissions error when attempting to create the cluster.
    1. Login to the AWS Console
    2. In the console’s search bar, search for “IAM” (which stands for Identity and Access Management)
    3. Navigate to the Roles section.
    4. Follow the steps to create a new role.
    5. Attach the AmazonEKSClusterPolicy to the role.
    6. Apply the role to the user account.
  5. You’ll also need to create an access key associated with the AWS account that you’re using. You can then use the access key id and the secret access key in your environment variable or ~/.aws/config file. Follow these steps;
    1. From the AWS Console, click on the username dropdown in the upper-right corner, and select “Security credentials” from the list.
    2. Scroll down to the “Access keys” section and click the “Create access key” button, and confirm any prompts given. If you’re logged in as the root user, the system will warn you about best practices, but will still let you create an access key.
    3. Retrieve the generated access key id and the secret access key and store it in a secure location such as a password vault. Note that you will not be able to retrieve the secret access key after closing the window.
  6. In your command line environment, set the access key id using one of the following methods:
    To store the value in your ~/.aws/configure file do:
    aws configure set access_key access-key-id-goes-here
    OR, to store the value in your environment variables do:
    export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=access-key-id-goes-here
  7. In your command line environment, set the secret access key using one of the following methods:
    To store the value in your ~/.aws/configure file do:
    aws configure set secret_key secret-access-key-goes-here
    OR, to store the value in your environment variables do:
    export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=secret-access-key-goes-here
  8. Set a default AWS region using:
    aws configure set region region-name-here
  9. Confirm your configuration settings with the command:
    aws configure list
  10. Confirm your eksctl command is configured correctly using:
    eksctl get clusters
    and ensure that there are no error messages.

If everything looks good and you’re not receiving any error messages, you should be ready to proceed with creating the cluster.


Part 2 : Creating the EKS Cluster

  1. Use eksctl to initiate the cluster creation process using the command:
    eksctl create cluster --name your-cluster-name-here [--region your-region-name]
    eksctl create cluster --name awscluster1 --region us-east-2
    Note: If you omit the region, it defaults to the setting specified in your ~/.aws/config file.
  2. If everything is configured properly, you should start seeing messages on the screen regarding the cluster creation process, such as:
    2024-01-08 16:00:21 []  eksctl version 0.167.0
    2024-01-08 16:00:21 []  using region us-east-2
    2024-01-08 16:00:22 []  setting availability zones to [us-east-2b us-east-2a us-east-2c]
    2024-01-08 16:00:22 []  subnets for us-east-2b - public: private:
    2024-01-08 16:00:22 []  subnets for us-east-2a - public: private:
    2024-01-08 16:00:22 []  subnets for us-east-2c - public: private:
    2024-01-08 16:00:22 []  nodegroup "ng-357e2d8e" will use "" [AmazonLinux2/1.27]
    2024-01-08 16:00:22 []  using Kubernetes version 1.27
    2024-01-08 16:00:22 []  creating EKS cluster "awscluster1" in "us-east-2" region with managed nodes
    2024-01-08 16:00:22 []  will create 2 separate CloudFormation stacks for cluster itself and the initial managed nodegroup
    . (... etc ...)
  3. In our testing, it usually takes about 15-20 minutes for the cluster to be created, so be patient.


Part 3 : Configuring the Elastic Block Store CSI Driver

Now that the cluster is created, we’re almost ready to run the helm command to install the OpenSquiggly Helm chart. But, we’ve got one more step to do. While many other Kubernetes services on the market come with a pre-installed block storage system and an associated CSI driver (Container Storage Interface), this is an add-on feature for EKS, and we need to install it separately.

The purpose of the block storage CSI driver with respect to OpenSquiggly is the auto-provisioning of the disk space that OpenSquiggly uses for logs, databases, indexes, and repository cloning.

Without the EBS CSI driver, OpenSquiggly’s Helm chart will get “stuck” at the point in the spin up process where it tries to create the persistent volume and wait for it to be ready. Therefore, we need to install the CSI driver before we run the Helm chart.

For additional documentation, see Amazon EBS CSI driver.

  1. Associate the OIDC provider with your cluster with:
    eksctl utils associate-iam-oidc-provider --cluster=your-cluster-name-here --approve [--region=your-region-name-here]
  2. First, create an IAM role with the following command:
    eksctl create iamserviceaccount \
      --name ebs-csi-controller-sa \
      --namespace kube-system \
      --cluster your-cluster-name-here \            <----- The name of your cluster goes on this line
      --role-name AmazonEKS_EBS_CSI_DriverRole \    <----- You can name the role as you choose, this is the suggested name
      --role-only \
      --attach-policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonEBSCSIDriverPolicy \
    Here is a one-line version for easier copy/pasting:
    eksctl create iamserviceaccount --name ebs-csi-controller-sa --namespace kube-system --cluster your-cluster-name-here --role-name AmazonEKS_EBS_CSI_DriverRole --role-only --attach-policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonEBSCSIDriverPolicy --approve   
  3. Create the eksctl addon for the CSI driver:
    eksctl create addon \
      --name aws-ebs-csi-driver \
      --cluster your-cluster-name-here \
      --service-account-role-arn arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/AmazonEKS_EBS_CSI_DriverRole \
                                              ------------      ----------------------------
                                                  ^                          ^
                                                  |                          |
          Your account id  -----------------------+                          |
                    The name of the role you specified previously -----------+
    Here is a one-line version for easier copy/pasting:
    eksctl create addon --name aws-ebs-csi-driver --cluster your-cluster-name-here --service-account-role-arn arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/AmazonEKS_EBS_CSI_DriverRole --force   
    If needed, you can retrieve your account id by logging into the AWS Console and clicking on your account name in the upper-right corner in the menu bar.
  4. Verify the CSI addon was successfully created using:
    eksctl get addon --name aws-ebs-csi-driver --cluster your-cluster-name-here 


Part 4 : Connecting kubectl to EKS

After the cluster is created, the eksctl program should have modified your kube configuration file (typically stored at ~/.kube/config or in any locations specified by the KUBECONFIG) environment variable.

To ensure that kubectl is configured to connect to the cluster, issue the command:

kubectl config current-context

You should see the newly created cluster in the list and it should be selected as the default.

If you did not create the cluster using eksctl, then you will need to set your kube config context separately. To do this, use the followign command:

aws eks update-kubeconfig --name <cluster-name> [--region <region>]

To see a list of all contexts, use the command:

kubectl config get-contexts

To change the current context to a different default, use the command:

kubectl config use-context context-name-here

Part 5 : Setting up Helm

Once you’ve ensured that your kubectl context is pointing to your newly created cluster, you can proceed with running helm to install OpenSquiggly.

View your current helm repos with:

helm repo list

Add the OpenSquiggly Helm charts repository to your local Helm repository list with the command:

helm repo add opensquiggly https://opensquiggly.github.io/helm-charts

Part 6 : Create a Kubernetes Namespace (Optional)

It’s a good idea to create a namespace to contain your OpenSquiggly resources that will be installed by the Helm charts. This keeps your resources isolated from any other resources you have installed on Kubernetes, avoids any naming conflicts, and makes it easier to manage the resources later.

Create a namespace with the command:

kubectl create namespace your-namespace-here

Make the namespace your current namespace with the command:

kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=your-namespace-here

If this is a newly created namespace, issue the command:

kubectl get all

and verify that the namespace contains no existing resources.

Part 7 : Installing OpenSquiggly with Helm

helm install your-helm-release-name-here opensquiggly/allinone --set cloudType=aws[,diskSize=xx]

Helm release names can contain alphanumeric characters and the hyphen.

With Default Parameters

helm install opensquiggly-test1 opensquiggly/allinone --set cloudType=aws

Example With 100G Storage

helm install opensquiggly-test1 opensquiggly/allinone --set cloudType=aws,diskSize=100


Part 8 : Testing the Install

Ensure that the pod has started by issuing the command:

kubectl get pods [--watch]

When the pod is running, retrieve the load balancer IP address with:

kubectl get svc

Hit the IP address with your browser and that should take you to the OpenSquiggly login screen.