Installing a TLS Certificate

How to install TLS certificates that will allow you to expose your OpenSquiggly instance using https.


If you want to expose your OpenSquiggly instance via https instead of just http, then you need to obtain a TLS certificate and give your Kubernetes cluster access to it.


There are three basic methods of obtaining a TLS certificate.

  • Purchase - The traditional way is to purchase the certificate from a Certificate Authority (CA) or one of its market partners.
  • Self-Signed - You can also generate a self-signed certificate instead of using a CA. However, we don’t recommend using self-signed certificates because they generate user warnings in the browser. They should only be used for development and testing purposes. For this reason, we won’t cover the usage of self-signed certificates in this chapter.
  • Free Auto-Generated - The final option is to use Let’s Encrypt to automatically obtain and install free TLS certificates. Let’s Encrypt certificates don’t generate browser warnings the way self-signed certificates do, however, some users my perceive them as less trustworthy because they do don’t come from a CA that audits the certificate receivers. It takes more work to set up the Let’s Encrypt certificate generation process, but the effort can be worth it both for cost savings and auto-regeneration. We won’t cover the topic further here in this chapter. For now, we leave it as an exercise to the reader.

In this chapter we assume you have purchased a certificate and wish to use it in conjunction with your Kubernetes cluster and OpenSquiggly instance.

Purchasing a Certificate

Major cloud providers such as Amazon, Azure, and Google offer TLS certificates directly through their portals (for a fee of course). This gives the customer the convenience of paying for the certificate through their normal cloud billing cycle.

There are also numerous other places on the web where you can purchase a certificate.

Installing the Certificate as a Secret on Kubernetes

The easiest way to link your Kubernetes cluster to your certificate is to install it as a Kubernetes secret. In Kubernetes, “secrets” are a means of storing sensitive parameters that can be used by other resources.

Once you’ve purchased and downloaded the certificate, install it as follows:

kubectl create secret tls name-of-secret-here --key="your-key-file-here" --cert="your-cert-file-here"


kubectl create secret tls mycertsecret --key="mycert.rsa" --cert="mycert.crt"

To verify the secret was successfully installed, do:

kubectl get secrets

Using the Secret When Installing OpenSquiggly

To use the TLS certificate and simultaneously expose the OpenSquiggly instance with https support, add the following parameters to your helm install command:

  • tlsSecretName=“secret-name-here”
  • exposeWith=nginx <—- This is your ingress class name. See here for details.
  • dnsHostName=“”


helm install opensquiggly-test1 opensquiggly/allinone --set \

Assuming you followed the instructions for setting up ExternalDNS, OpenSquiggly should be installed and a DNS name will be automatically created on your DNS server. If you aren’t running ExternalDNS, you’ll need to manually add the DNS name to your DNS name server.

Updating an Existing Instance

If you’ve already installed OpenSquiggly as a basic installation without TLS and a custom domain name, and wish to update the instance while leaving all other settings unchanged, you can use the helm upgrade command as follows:

helm upgrade opensquiggly-test1 opensquiggly/allinone --reuse-values --set \