Managing Groups
Overview of Organization Groups
To allow members of the organization to view content in organizational mount points, you’ll create one or more groups, add members to those groups, and then grant permissions to the group to use the mount point.
Any members of the group will then be able to see and or search the mount points from their own account.
Adding Groups
While logged into a personal account to which you have administrative privileges on an organization, open the User Options form and expand the Organizations accordion.
In the organizations table, click the “Managed Groups” button in the row corresponding to the desired organization.
A list of existing groups will be displayed.
Next, click the Add New Group button to open the form for adding a new group.
Enter the name of the Group and click Save.
This will create an empty group. The next step is to add members to the group.
Adding a Organization Members to a Group
In the row corresponding to the group you wish to add members, click the Manage Members button. This will open up a list of users showing the current members of that group.
To add a new user to the group, pick the user from the “Select User” drop down list, and hit Save.
Removing an Orgnization Member from a Group
To remove a user from the group, click the Delete button in the row corresponding to the user you wish to remove.
Deleting Groups
To delete a group, click the Delete button in the row corresponding to the group you wish to delete.
Next Steps
Now that you’ve created a group and added members to it, the next step is to grant permissions to the group to view mount points. This is covered in the next section.